Saturday, April 30, 2022
10:00 am to 12:00 noon – Family Session
6:30 pm to 9:00 pm – Adult Session (21+)
$25 per bowler Registration fee
B’ville Sports Bowl
45 E Genesee St, Baldwinsville, NY 13027
How to Participate
Step One: Register to Bowl
- Pre-registration required by **TBD** if you want an event T-Shirt
- Become a Team Captain and CREATE A TEAM with 4- 5 bowlers. Come up with a creative team name. Add your name to the team. Invite people to register as part of your team.
- JOIN A TEAM that is expecting you.
- SIGN UP AS AN INDIVIDUAL and we will create a team for you or find a place on a team.
- To pay by mail, include your check with the Bowler Registration Form.
Step Two: Solicit Donations
- Try and raise at least $30 per bowler. When you hit $30, go for more! Ask a few friends or family for $10 or $20 in support. Explain to them you are raising money for The Baldwinsville Community Scholarship Foundation in order to give out renewable scholarships to graduating seniors from the Baldwinsville School District.
- Be sure to let everyone know that their donations are tax deductible.
- Start early! Don’t wait until the last minute. It is never too early.
- Ask everyone you know to support you as a bowler and help the cause. Have them make a donation on behalf of you or your team securely online with a credit card or debit card in advance of the event, or CLICK HERE to download the bowl-a-thon pledge form to keep track of cash or check donations you collect.
- In addition to in-person request, send out some emails explaining why you are bowling and ask them to support you and your team by making any size contribution. Include a link to the “Donate” page. This is a painless alternative and can bring in a surprising amount of donations.
Step Three: Show Up
- Those attending Family session (10:00 AM – 12:00 Noon), Registration opens at 9:30 AM
- Have Fun!!
Bowling Awards
The scores will be calculated from the first game to determine the winners.
- Highest Scoring Team – all team members to receive a medal & bragging rights!!! First, Second and Third Place awarded
- Highest Scoring Individual – Men (Adult, Teen, Kids)
- Highest Scoring Individual – Ladies (Adult, Teen, Kids)
- Stinker Award – lowest score
- Highest Individual Fundraiser
- Most $ Raised by a Team
- Most Creative Team Name
- Best Team Costumes
Sponsorship Opportunities
Sponsor Online or download the Sponsor Mail-in Form.
Event Sponsor
Includes benefits below:T-Shirt Logo on event t-shirt that goes to all participants
- Lane Name Sponsor for one of the sessions
- 5 Person Team
Lane Sponsor
Includes benefits below:- Logo and link to your website on our Bowlathon.net event page
We Help Our Community’s Students Succeed Through Scholarships
Baldwinsville Community Scholarship Foundation Dollars for Scholars® (BCSF Dollars for Scholars) is a nonprofit foundation that supports academic success in our community. As part of Scholarship America’s® national network of locally based, volunteer-driven Dollars for Scholars chapters, our mission is to mobilize our community on behalf of postsecondary education success for our students.
Dollars for Scholars chapters like ours help hometown students achieve their educational goals by raising scholarship funds, establishing endowments, providing assistance with college readiness and the financial aid process, and distributing scholarships each year.
For more information, visit our website at Baldwinsville.DollarsForScholars.org.