About The Event
Sunday, September 12, 2021
9:30 am to 12:00 Noon
Bowlmor Lanes Scottsdale
7300 E Thomas Rd, Scottsdale, AZ 85251
Since becoming a 501(c)(3) 15 years ago, Christopher’s Cure Hardship Fund has raised over $450,000 and assisted more than 150 families. The Hardship Fund is used to help families focus on their critically ill child.
Christopher’s Cure is not for those families who qualify for public assistance or for those who earn enough money to make it through a difficult time without help. Rather, Christopher’s Cure is there for those families that fall between the cracks and risk losing their home, transportation, or critical utilities. $3,000 can help one family cover their entire household financial obligations for 1 month, $1,500 can cover their housing for a month, $500 their transportation, and even $100 can simply keep the lights on.
Our goal is about making a difference in the lives of these children and their families. We’ve received a record number of applications in 2020-2021 and we need your help as we never want to turn a family in need away or miss an opportunity to help a family because they didn’t know about Christopher’s Cure.
How to Participate:
- Grab up to five of your favorite people to bowl with you, join an existing team or sign up as a single bowler. No bowling experience is necessary! Get started right away… pick your team, select a team name, and sign up!
- Click Here to register your team. Choose a team name. Each team may have up to 5 bowlers.
- Come bowling with us! You can join an existing team or let us assign you to a team that needs bowlers. The minimum required fundraising is $250.00 per lane ($50 per person) and includes bowling shoes and 2 hours of bowling. Team captains are responsible that the minimum fundraising is met by the team. Register to Bowl Here. Don’t stop at $50 a person or $250 per lane! There will be prizes for the top 3 individual fundraisers.
- You can direct your sponsors – friends and family – to the website to make their donations on behalf of your team with a credit or debit card through PayPal. The website will keep track of your progress. It’s that easy!
- You can create a team or join an existing team. For those who aren’t able to attend, but would still like to donate you can do that through this website or on the Chrsitopher’s Cure website at ChristophersCure.org
- We ask that each team collectively raise money for the event. Donations must be received by day of event (checks and cash may be handed in during check-in on day of event).
- Team Captains – please make sure all of your teammates know the date, time and location of the event. Please arrive 15-30 minutes early to check in, get your shoes, and get any special instructions. Don’t forget your socks!
How to Contribute:
SPONSOR: There are four sponsorship levels. (See Sponsorship Opportunities below.) SPONSOR NOW and register you team! See Sponsorship opportunities below.
DONATE: Make a donation to a team or individual bowler, or donate to the event. You can donate any amount you’d like. All donations are appreciated! DONATE NOW!
- SET A GOAL. Don’t underestimate yourself ($250 min. per lane). Send potential donors to this site to support a team or an individual bowler. There will be prizes for the top 3 individual fundraisers
- START EARLY. Don’t wait until the last minute. It’s never too early.

Sponsorship Opportunities
Each Sponsor will be assigned as the “CURE-ator” of their lane. We recommend 5 bowlers total per team. We encourage your team to challenge their personal network of friends and family with a goal of raising $250 in donations ($50 per person). Top 3 fundraisers will receive a prize. Raffle prizes and games will be played throughout the event. Scoring doesn’t matter! Have fun raising money! Download Sponsorship Details Flyer
Platinum Sponsor (1 available)
Min $250 fundraising (2 lanes). Includes benefits below:- Event Signage
- Website and social media recognition
- Christopher’s Cure Family Meet & Greet
- Prime Lanes
Gold Sponsor (3 available)
Min $250 fundraising (1 lane). Includes benefits below:- Event Signage
- Website and social media recognition
- Prime Lane
Silver Sponsor (4 available)
Min $250 fundraising (1 lane). Includes benefits below:- Event Signage
- Website and social media recognition
- Prime Lane
Lane Sponsor (15 available)
Min $250 fundraising (15 lanes). Includes benefits below:- Team Name at Lane
About the Christopher’s Cure Hardship Fund
To provide resources to families of critically ill children that will help meet fundamental financial needs, essential to the family’s well-being. These families typically do not qualify for any governmental assistance, nor do they have the financial means to handle the additional burdens brought on during a child’s critical illness.
Through dedicated partnerships with social service departments, affiliated with acute care facilities, the Christopher’s Cure Hardship Fund provides financial support to those families with demonstrated needs.
The Christopher’s Cure Hardship Fund is dedicated to:
- Allowing families to spend more quality time, sometimes the only time remaining with a critically ill child.
- Helping families meet basic financial obligations such as housing, utility bills, childcare and transportation needs.
- Helping families worry less about meeting financial obligations and focus on caring for the needs of their critically ill child.
Families of a critically ill child must cope with hospital stays, numerous (often emergent) doctor visits and medication/dosing schedules, visits to out-of-state facilities that are recognized as centers of excellence for certain diseases and spend a significant amount of time needed to appropriately care for a sick child. If a parent has to choose to quit work, while forsaking all other obligations to care for a critically ill child, most would. The Christopher’s Cure Hardship Fund aims to alleviate the burdens associated with that decision, allowing parents to focus on what is really important … caring for their sick child during the most challenging time of that child’s young life.