Event Details:
Sunday, October 15, 2017, 1:30 pm
AMF Pleasant Valley Lanes
5501 Commercial Ave, Raleigh, NC 27612
Join Us!
The Arc of the Triangle’s Bowl-A-Thon is a unique and exciting fundraising event. The Bowl-A-Thon is a day of recreation and sport for children and adults with developmental disabilities, their family and friends, and our community. We hope you will join us to help raise the necessary funds to support the community programs of The Arc, as well as enjoy a great day of public awareness and inclusion.
Our goal for these events is $20,000. There are several ways you can help us reach this goal: 1) Sponsor the event 2) bowl and get friends and family to support your individual fundraising effort or 3) support one of our teams!
Two hours of bowling, shoe rental, and a t-shirt are included with registration*, as well as there will be a raffle. So don’t miss out on the fun! Register today!
Ways to Get Involved:
- Sign-up as an event sponsor: Sponsorship opportunities available starting at $250 include many benefits!
- Bowlers: Sign up a team, or sign-up individually and collect pledges from friends and family online or in person.
- Supporter: Give to your favorite bowlers and help raise funds for The Arc of the Triangle!
Prefer to register or sponsor with a check? Download forms here.

Sponsorship Opportunities

If you prefer to sponsor with a check, please download sponsor form here.
Turkey Sponsor
Includes benefits below:- Registration for 1 team (designated lane), 6 bowlers (max.) shoes included
- T-shirts for bowlers.
- Company Logo/Family Name will be displayed during both Bowl-A-Thons and will be printed on the back of the Bowl-A-Thon t-shirt.
- Company Logo/Family Name will appear on The Arc website (with an active link); shared on social media with tags; and in our newsletter.
- One (1) year corporate or family membership to The Arc of the Triangle.
Double Sponsor
Includes benefits below:- Registration for 4 bowlers; shoes included
- T-shirts for bowlers.
- Company Logo/Family Name will be at 1 lane during the Bowl-A-Thons in Raleigh and Durham and will be printed on the back of the Bowl-A-Thon t-shirt.
- Company Logo/Family Name shared on social media with tags.
- One (1) year corporate or family membership to The Arc of the Triangle
Strike Sponsor
Includes benefits below:- Registration for two 2 bowlers; shoes included
- T-shirts for bowlers
- Company Logo/Family Name will be at 1 lane during the Bowl-A-Thon in Raleigh or Durham and will be printed on the back of the Bowl-A-Thon t-shirt.
- Company Logo/Family Name shared on social media with tags.
The Arc of the Triangle, Inc. supports children and adults with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities [I/DD] in the achievement of their personal goals and dreams in our community through partnership and advocacy.
The Arc of the Triangle, its staff and board of directors value individuals with intellectual and developmentaI disabilities [I/DD] and their families by:
- Empowerment through self-determination and diversity
- Innovation and Social Change through advocacy
- Optimized Independence through quality programs/services and natural supports
- Respect and Equality through person-first beliefs and full community participation
- Trust through reliable supports, services, information and resources
For more than 60 years, The Arc has been the voice for children and adults with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities (I/DD) throughout the United States. The 1950s were a time when most children with disabilities were ignored by society, and often institutionalized. Parents of these very special kids got organized, formed The Arc in our area and began advocating to keep their children at home, send them to public school, and to educate the community about what it means to have a disability. Arc families also took the lead on developing advocacy and awareness while supporting their own loved ones. Thus was born the largest grassroots movement to promote the rights of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
The Arc of the Triangle offers a variety of programs and services to fit the needs of children and adults with disabilities in the Triangle area. This includes Durham, Orange and Wake and surrounding counties. The Arc of the Triangle’s method for service delivery is one based on building person-centered plans and nurturing inclusive environments while providing the specialized services children and adults with I/DD need to be successful in their communities.
The Arc of the Triangle partners with other community agencies. Our philosophy is that we reach more individuals and support more families through shared resources and combined efforts.
The Arc of the Triangle team includes 300+ caring, passionate, dedicated employees providing services throughout the Triangle. Our team goes to work every day knowing that they make a difference in the lives of children and adults with I/DD.

Visit www.arctriangle.org for more information about all of our programs and services.